Internet Coupons:
- “FREE” or “Buy One Get One FREE” offers are not accepted.
- Coupons with a value greater than $3.00 are not accepted.
- Internet coupons cannot be doubled.
- Only one coupon per item will be accepted.
- We reserve the right to refuse any coupons that we believe to be photo copied, counterfeit or invalid for any other reason.
- Coupons must be obtained from a legitimate web site. Examples include but not limited to,;;
- Redemption will be subject to manufacturer’s policies. For example: Procter & Gamble does not accept printed internet coupons.
Pre-Printed Manufacturer Coupons:
- Limit ONE coupon per item with a maximum limit of six identical coupons for six identical items
- The coupon has a valid expiration date.
- Coupon value cannot exceed the price of the item(s) purchased.
- The original coupon must be presented. Re-produced copies of any kind will not be accepted.
- Product must be purchased in sizes specified on the coupon.
- Items must be purchased at the time of redemption.
Double Coupons – Foodland may choose to offer double value up to a stated amount where applicable (see store for details) under the following guidelines:
- Foodland will double only manufacturer's coupon with:
- a valid expiration date,
- worth up to and including the stated maximum amount,
- clipped from newspapers magazines or received by mail.
- Coupons worth more than the stated maximum amount will be redeemed at face value only – discount not to exceed the retail value of the item.
- Cigarettes, tobacco and milk or any other items prohibited by law or the manufacturer are excluded.
- Not valid on free coupons or electronic coupons.
- This offer applies only to manufacturer product "cents-off" coupons for items and sizes we carry.
- Policy may change without notice.
Please contact us or see Customer Service Desk for more details.